Graduate Call Notes 7-1-14: When When “Working on Limiting Beliefs” Becomes a Limiting Belief!

There are only three limiting beliefs, in many, many, many, many different forms! Are you attempting to find all of the forms, as if you think you are those thoughts/beliefs? The biggest limiting belief of all is tin thinking that they are YOU, and therefore you think you have to CONQUER THEM! The egoic mindfield is a collective consciousness, just like the divine mindfield is also one cohesive whole. Assuming that you are your thoughts causes you to chase and conquer, so you always find yourself battling with the mind, attempting to win the war! So you chse more and more clearing methods, because you think it is you! And you learn more and more modalities, because you assume you haven’t sleighed the beast yet! And the more you push against it, the more you are adding energy to it! You are actually creating and attracting limiting beliefs by associating with them, and thinking you have to find and slay them!
Whatever you FOCUS ON, EXPANDS! So, the more you hunt for limiting beliefs, the more you are attracting and creating them!

Initially, it is good to notice them, so you can “see” how you have been associating them as being YOU! Since “whatever you resist, persists”, it is good to notice them, but then simply dissociate from them- Don’t go into resistance and battle them!

Many of you who have been with me a while know that I am an avid student and also teacher of A.C.I.M. (A Course in Miracles). ACIM teaches that if you battle the ego, you add energy to it, making it “real”, and stronger!

What if you just realized that IT (the mind) is not YOU? What would happen if you just disassociated from it, so you didn’t fight against it at all? Then, the struggle would be instantly over, and you would be at peace!

I’ll teach you about the three categories of limiting beliefs, so you can see how all the negative thoughts you could ever pick up on are all contained in these three underlying, erroneous beliefs, and if you’ll just always identify the category or categories (they can cross over into more than one!) then, recognize the fallacy of the underlying thought, then you can instantly disassociate from that thought! Then, you won’t attract those kinds of thoughts any more, because they didn’t work; They didn’t hook you.

  1. Supply: “The supply is limited; “What we SEE is all there is!” Of time, money, natural resources, good men, good women, etc.!
    1. Since is everything is the focus of energy. how can we ever run out of that? All masses are simply the focus of attention on that thing! Society loves the Hawaiian Islands; Now they’ve recently found three new Hawaiian Islands! Scientists decide to look for new galaxies, and BAM! They find new galaxies! ALL masses are created the same way; The focus of energy!
  2. Insecurity: “I have to deserve my stuff!” Thoughts of worthiness, deservingness, adequacy, etc. How can the divine Being you already are dethrone yourself to try to earn your throne? Does God Energy have to EARN being THAT? What if Prince William is a lousy schmuck as a human being. Is he still the prince? You likely know of some rich people who aren’t very nice! So, if they had to deserve it, then why are they rich? There’s no such thing as “deservingness” in universal law!
  3. Perspective: A perspective is a statement that someone thinks IS the “way it is”, as if that is some kind of rule of how life has to be. But it isn’t the way IT IS; It’s only the way they keep recreating it to be, because they keep looking at the data they recreate, and they keep calling it like they see it, and thereby recreating it again!

The underlying thought of the perspective category is “Something outside of me can hurt me.” But the fact is, no, it can’t unless you go down to emotional hell and worry about it. But if YOU go down to emotional hell about it, did THEY, OR IT, do it to you? No! You did it to you! Nothing outside of you can hurt you! So it doesn’t really matter what the company is doing, or what the economy is doing, or what the weather is doing, or how negative your wife is! NOTHING outside of you can hurt you, if you don’t go down to emotional hell and worry about it!

Disassociate from that thought by simply saying: “That’s not me; That’s just a program!” I like to call it the ego. The ego and a program are the same thing!

Then, use that three step clearing method you’ve learned:

  1. That’s not me. That’s a program!
  2. I feel it here… (After all, it’s energy! SO you can identify where you feel the energy!)
  3. I love you. I love. I love You! Thank you!

Practice this and practice it! And you’ll see how easy your life gets!

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