Graduate Call Notes 4-15-14: Forgiveness and Surrender

Thank you to everyone who participated in today’s call, vocally or just with your presence.

Our conversation covered some really significant ground. As many of you already know, Joe Vitale has offered us a framework for using the law of attraction with his 5 steps. The fifth step is “Let Go”. I personally like to include in the principle of letting go the aspect and relevance of Surrender. Surrender and Forgiveness have a lot in common with each other.

The relevance of letting go, forgiveness and surrender is it offers us the opportunity to stop the self sabotage. Many people have heard the quote, “Resentment is like taking a poison and expecting the other person to suffer.” So when we find ourselves in resistance we are literally feeding what we don’t want and thereby sabotaging ourselves.

Now in doing this we rationalize how logical and justifiable it is to maintain a point of view that shows up as anger, frustration, or any other form of resentment. I like to say that you are always right from your point of view. But let’s really look at that for a minute. Yes you are right but more importantly how does it serve you to maintain this point of view? How does it feel to resist or resent something or someone? Maybe something like taking an energetic poison??

In realizing the toxicity of resentment and resistance, awareness now has access to choice and thereby solutions. We find the remedy to these toxic beliefs in forgiveness and surrender. As many of you know, my number one recommendation across the board is definitely The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. To offer some greater clarity on the nature of forgiveness and surrender I have added a little segment from The Power of Now.

Forgiveness is to relinquish your grievance and so to let go of grief. It happens naturally once you realize that your grievance serves no purpose except to strengthen a false sense of self. Forgiveness is to offer no resistance to life, to allow life to live through you. The alternatives are pain and suffering, a greatly restricted flow of life energy and in many cases physical disease. The moment you truly forgive you have reclaimed your power from the mind.

Non-forgiveness is the very nature of the mind. Just as the mind-made false self, the ego, cannot survive without strife and conflict, the mind cannot forgive, only you can.

You become present. You enter your body. You feel the vibrant peace and stillness that emanate from being. That is why Jesus said, “Before you enter the temple, forgive.”  ~Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

So the idea here is to simply point out that although we may be very justified in our resistance or resentment it serves no purpose. It does not benefit us to keep these feelings alive. When we surrender or forgive it does not mean that we are agreeing with what is/was, but it does mean that we are no longer resisting what is/was. Realize the futility and folly of resisting what is. Realize that maintaining this point of view is sabotage. From this point of view the solution becomes obvious as an allowing of what is/was.

In this allowing within our body we will witness the release of the held energy. An emotional release is going to happen. When this release comes, allow it. Feel it fully. No need to be it, just allow it and feel it fully. No need to judge the emotional release as hard or painful or difficult. It is simply old energy you have been holding on to and in order to get from where you are to where you want to be, anything that is blocking you will surface on its way out. This is a great event. It can legitimately be welcomed. Resisting this is like packing it back down with an invitation come back later and stronger.

Here are a few quotes I pulled up to help drive the point.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. ~Mahatma Gandhi

To err is human; to forgive, divine. ~Alexander Pope

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.  ~Jesus Christ

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness. ~Marianne Williamson

Divine forgiveness involves illumination. Our ignorance becomes not just temporarily absolved but transformed. Speaking on divine forgiveness Sri Chinmoy says:

“Our human mind may call it forgiveness, but God is not thinking about our inner and outer misdeeds. He just wants us to raise our consciousness so that we will increase our receptivity and oneness with Him.”

There is a solution to our disappointments, our anxieties, and our struggles, but it’s traditionally the last resort for warriors yearning for peace. The solution we crave is surrender.

Let Go, Let Miracles Happen: The Art of Spiritual Surrender
by Kathy Cordova
Posted by: DailyOM

This moment is where anything and everything happens. I am in this moment. How do I feel emotionally in my body right now? Did I choose to feel this way? Do I have a choice? If I could be feeling any emotion, what would it be? Any emotion I experience that is less than what I would choose is coming from the inside programming, not the outside. To resist this is to feed it. To feel it is to free it. Surrender the resistance. Forgive the grievances. Let go of your grief. This is the path to the end of suffering.


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