Grad Call Notes 3-4-14: Feed What You Want

Last week began with the necessity to clarify very specifically what is you don’t want.  This same necessity applies  for today’s topic as well. Feed what you want.

Bad example: I want an additional $100,000 in 6 months.

Good example: I want to pay off my 3 credit cards and my car so I can feel released from my debt. I want to lease a building and cover my furnishing and operating expenses for the next 6 months so I can feel empowered, excited and enthusiastic while building my new business.  I want to generate or attract an additional $100k within the next 6 months to provide myself with this opportunity.

We can see that this money is a mind generated means to an emotional end. What I really want is to feel released, empowered, excited and enthusiastic. Mind gives me an avenue to begin chasing this feeling which immediately registers as “I can have these feelings once I achieve this goal”. In addition, the mind is telling us that “I cannot have these feelings until I achieve this goal”. Logical thinking will confirm this is true but the counter-intuitive opportunity is missed if we believe it actually is true.

To explain this lets look at something beyond the logical intuitive process of goal achievement.  Let’s look at identity itself and the corresponding emotional state generated from identity. For example; If you were debt free, had an annual residual income of say $250k a year, $2M in liquid reserves and were completely satisfied with this and not wanting more, your emotional field would vibrate with a certain confidence, optimism and gratitude based upon what this financial status provides. Your identity in this way would be in a state of acceptance and not resistance. If you decided to build a business that required $100k to cover the lease, furnishing and operating expenses for 6 months, you may very well be identified already with the feelings of empowerment, excitement and enthusiasm.

The mind tells us we need to do certain things in order to get certain things in order to feel or be a certain way. Again this is the logical intuitive way that most of us have been conditioned to believe in. Although it’s valid, it is less than optimal.  The alternative is to access the feelings we believe we will get when we accomplish the goal while we continue to do what we know is necessary and we will realize the goal a lot easier and faster because we are aligned with it already. When you imagine that you already have what you want, you feel it. The emotion is what we’re after when we use this process. Heart based emotion has been said to produce an electromagnetic field that is around 500 times stronger than the field associated with thought alone. Obviously this is powerful, this is hugely significant.

This brings us to the subject of emotional intelligence. 

Intelligence is the ability to change by realizing the outcomes of situations, so emotional intelligence is the ability to modify the emotions to create a more ideal outcome.

Your vibration / your emotional state is your choice. Feed what you want and starve what you don’t want. Except out of practical necessity, never think, say or feel anything you don’t want to experience more of.



  • State your goal
  • Make a list of all the emotions you want to get rid of by achieving this goal.
  • Circle the top 3 that most represent the emotions you don’t want.
  • Make a list of all the emotions you believe you will have when you achieve this goal.
  • Circle the top 3 that most represent the emotions you do want.
  • Draw an image of a scale with a fulcrum up the middle, arms reaching out to each side and under each arm draw a hanging platform.
  • Place the 3 words that best describe the emotions you don’t want on one end.
  • Place the 3 words that best describe the emotions you do want on the other.

How often are you feeling what you want to be feeling? How often are you feeling what you don’t want? Which way is your scale tipping? This shows you what you’re feeding. Feeling is feeding.

The outdated reaction has been, “because of that out there, I feel this way in here”. The more authentic and useful approach is “because I intend to see it out there I choose to feel it in here first”.

In NLP this process is called acting as if. In metaphysical circles it is known as creative visualization. For a child it’s called pretending. Joe Vitale has named this Nevillizing. No matter what you call it the function is the same.


In our call we spoke of the 5 types of journaling that can facilitate skill building with feeding what you want.  The first was Gratitude Statements with their corresponding reasons; Second – Successes no matter how small; Third – Questions; Fourth – Insights or Ah-Ha’s; and Fifth was Nevillizing, again acting as if you already have it.

Another way to feed what you want is the question from Joe Vitale “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” This is a fun and easy practice to share with family friends and co-workers. Many people ask how to effective “deal with” negative people. This question is a great tool here.

Access Consciousness gives us more great clearing questions, “What’s right about this situation that I’m not getting?” and “What else is possible here?”

Byron Katie give us a great clearing question too. “Who would I be without this thought?”

Overall my friends there are many ways to feed what you want. Pick one and run with it. If you like it and it works well for you keep it, if not there are many other options to experiment with.  Remember we are simply building internal data that reinforces the emotional field and identity of “I have it already”. The moment your data bank of I have outweighs the data bank of I don’t have is most likely the time where you actually see the goal realized. While you are in the process of practicing this technique you will get many confirmations along the way that encourage you. So give it a chance.

Remember its like watering your plants. The flowers may not show up today but it doesn’t take much effort to water the plants.

“Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patters.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Namaste my friends – Gil

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