Graduate Call Notes 2-18-14: More About Oneness

Why is understanding Oneness important to your personal development?

  • If you don’t, you might plunge down into victimhood. And you know what that attracts!
  • If you don’t, you might blame other people, and thus attract and create the same cycles in your life, over and over again!
  • If you don’t understand that we are all one, you might project your junk onto other people and make them dislike being around you, because they feel attacked. The only thing that creates is more people just like them, until you learn your lesson. Not to mention, it also creates loneliness.
  • You might ruin your relationships by thinking they are the problem, when actually it’s the meaning you’ve been adding that is the problem.
  • You might not comprehend that you are not your thoughts, and thus you’ll get all upset every time a thought you don’t like occurs to you! In fact, they aren’t even your thoughts!  We are all in a shared energy field, and the strings of energy of the thoughts that fly past your head, are everybody’s junk!  Not just yours!
  • If you don’t understand how we are all One, you might not comprehend how amazing all the people around you are, even if they are not choosing to create their lives like you choose to create yours!
  • If you don’t comprehend how amazing all the people around you are, even if they are different than you are, then you will always be trying to change other people so you can feel safe. Wow. That’s hard. Good luck with that!
  • If you don’t understand how we are all actually in this shared energy field together, you might think certain races are better than others. You might overlook that every race has brutalized their own race, and also every race has brutalized other races!  Then, you might think you have cause for hating “other people”, even though there’s not really any such thing as “other people”!  They are us! We all decided together to incarnate as we are, for purposes which influence our transcendence of Egoic Consciousness, and the elimination of duality.
  • If you don’t understand Oneness, you might think your boss is “doing something to you.” Actually, you choose your boss (maybe before you even got here to this incarnation!!) so that, together, you could either:
    • Learn lessons from each other.
    • Teach lessons to each other.
    • Raise societal consciousness by bringing attention to an atrocity of lack of remembrance of who we really are.
    • Assist “other” people in the accomplishment of their live purpose (Like Judas Iscariot did for Jesus!)
    • Transmute karma for and on behalf of “Other People”, by taking their karma upon yourself (Karma has to go somewhere! Energy can’t be destroyed.  It can only change forms.)  And please realize that word “boss” can be substituted with any other relationship describing word! “Mother; Daughter; Pet:” etc.
  • Understanding Oneness is important to your personal development because then you won’t get freaked out by anything you see in the news!  You will realize that they all attracted it, and choose it, maybe from before they got here, for a purpose that all parties involved agreed to!  We are not the victims of our circumstances. We chose it, together with everyone else involved, no matter how bad it looks!  And we all did it to raise consciousness about who we really are. It all works together for good. I know, most Gurus teach you not to watch the news, but I submit to you that if you have to protect yourself from anything, it’s spiritual kindergarten. When you really get what’s going on, you don’t need to protect yourself from anything, because you will already realize that you are invulnerable, and that they did, in fact, choose it for a wise purpose which we might not yet see.
  • You might move into a spirit of competition, based in a thought that you have to “get yours” before someone else does!  But with understanding Oneness, you realize that everything you wish for someone else, you are causing to come right back to yourself!
  • If you don’t understand Oneness, you won’t be able to “nevellize” (means feel it as if you already have it) abundance for everyone!

Well, there might be more because this subject is the single most important subject there is. But that might be enough for you to get the idea!

Love, love, love, love, love! Your brothers and sisters are not different than you!  They are all here to show you aspects of…you. We are one.

When we all rise to that awareness, the world will be free!

I love you. I love you. I love you!

Dr. J

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