Do you need people to apologize to you?

- Notes for tonight’s Graduate Conference Call -


By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

Do you need people to apologize to you?  What that says:

  1. “You hurt me.”
  2. “That judges me as being weak and vulnerable, and being capable of being hurt.”
  3. “I judge you as being a bad, harmful person.”
  4. “You hurt me. Since I am the better person, I will offer lowly you forgiveness, BUT ONLY if you ask!”
  5. “If you don’t ask me for forgiveness, you will NOT be forgiven!”
  6. “I am better than you, since you are the bad one who committed the hurting.”
  7. “I am a victim of you.”
  8. “I am a victim.”
  9. “You are the Perpetrator.”
  10. “You are GUILTY!”
  11. “You have hurt me in the Body: I am a body. YOU made me lose something.”
  12. “I can lose.”
  13. “This is a dangerous world, where I can be hurt.”
  14. THAT thought would be THE REASON you attracted them doing that to you!
  15. You should THANK THEM because they showed YOU what you were already thinking was true about yourself and about this world!
  16. If you can’t thank them for the lesson, it shows you that that energy is still inside you, believing that this world is scary.
  17. If you think this world is scary and that you can be hurt, and can experience loss, then you are CURRENTLY in the process of creating similar types of experiences AGAIN!
  18. Since you have that belief inside you (that you are weak, vulnerable, a body rather than a spirit, and that you can be hurt, and that this is a scary world) then you are creating scary things that happen in this world! So you’d better not be judging countries that go to war, since you are adding energy to that scary stuff, and thereby creating it!
  19. Which of course, implies, that YOU ARE GUILTY, too?
  20. So…Guilt breeds attack. You think you are weak, so you defend yourself.
  21. In defending yourself, you are sending the message that the other person is guilty of having unsafe motives.
  22. In sending the message that the other person is guilty, you are adding energy of guilt, and creating everything in this whole world that lays guilt trips! (Do you judge religion as doing that?)
  23. If you believe you can lose something, then you are creating loss in your life!  No wonder you’re broke! No wonder you feel unloved; you think people are so unloving!
  24. What if you knew there was nothing to forgive, because you can’t be hurt, because how can you hurt a spirit?
  25. Then, you never create loss, because you don’t have a belief in loss! YIPPEE! FREE!
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