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The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change:

1) Know what you want; Be clear. 2) Identify what is holding you back. A) There are 3 things you can change about what is holding you back: Metaphors or Similes. Do you describe business as “Hell”? That metaphor doesn’t serve you! Do you refer to your kids as “The Rug Rats”? Then their behavior will annoy you! B) Your perspective about the issue. Try to see the perspective of “the Other”. C) Procedure. They way you are doing things. Do you want your wife to be more affectionate? What […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-5-2010: Using a Planner

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-28-2010: The Magic of Decision

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-21-2010: The Science Behind the Law of Attraction

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-14-2010: More Organizational Ideas

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-7-2010: The Eight Differenty Types of Intelligences

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-31-2010: How to Release Limiting Beliefs

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-24-2010: Attracting Money

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-17-2010: Goal Setting

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-10-2010: Life Mission Statements

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