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E-books: The Fastest Growing Part of the Publishing Industry

Learning Objectives: What are E-books? Fastest growing segment/audio books Kind of e-books- novels, non fiction Why e-books Self publishing E-books are simply books that are not published through traditional methods. E-books are published and distributed through the Internet. E-books are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? It costs nothing. For decades you had to have many thousands of dollars to print and publish a book. Today with print on demand and the Internet, writers can publish their book on the Internet. Audio books are the second fastest […]

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Easy Selling Techniques Everyone Can Do

Learning Objectives: ·    Create Your Story ·    How to Handle Objections ·    Use Sales Aids ·    Create a Recontact Program ·    See 5 prospects per week give info ·    The Magic of the 12 Reasons to Buy: ·    Why Should Anyone Buy From You? Introduction: Every business owner needs to know basic sales skills. You don’t have to be a great sales person. Selling is like learning to ride a bike. It’s not rocket science. You can learn basic selling skills that will help you increase your income. Create Your […]

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Develop a Business Network

Objectives: Reason businesses fail Starting while not knowing other skills Board of directors People you know Friends and family Vendor’s suppliers 1. Why most new businesses fail? a. start a business knowing a skill but not other areas of business. b. when you open a business you also need to know about marketing, sales, taxes,     book keeping, employee and quarterly taxes, sales tax, human resource issues to     prevent being sued by disgruntled employees, operations, customer service,     shipping and more. 2. How do you prevent or deal with […]

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What is a USP?

A USP is what makes you, your business, or your products different and unique from the competition. Why is it important? All businesses in any categories do basically the same things. Ex. dentists, insurance etc. A few do one or two things the others do, but generally the same. Ex. Dentists: 24 hour emergency service, cosmetic, teeth whitening, crowns, etc. Examples of USPs 1.    Tuff Shed 2.    three Day Kitchen and Bath 3.    Dominos Pizza Five steps to create a USP 1.    Analyze the competition to see if they have […]

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