E-books: The Fastest Growing Part of the Publishing Industry

Learning Objectives:

What are E-books?
Fastest growing segment/audio books
Kind of e-books- novels, non fiction
Why e-books
Self publishing

E-books are simply books that are not published through traditional methods. E-books are published and distributed through the Internet.

E-books are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? It costs nothing. For decades you had to have many thousands of dollars to print and publish a book. Today with print on demand and the Internet, writers can publish their book on the Internet.

Audio books are the second fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? Because of our busy life styles. We don’t have as much time as we use to to read. We can however listen while on the go.

What kinds of books are being written and published in e-book form? All kinds. Fiction, non fiction, poetry, and more. Any kind of topics can be written in e-book form. The biggest genre is non fiction.

Most of the e-books written today are written to make money. People have heard and see examples of others who are making money and they want to get in on it .The Internet allows writers to sell their works directly to the buyers rather than going through distributors or retailers. Many others write e-books to share information or their life lessons with others.

Because the Internet is the unregulated “bad lands” of the modern age, there are few protections against scams. The Internet is full of rip offs and dishonest scammers. All of us have received emails claiming they have unlocked the secret to making millions of dollars on the Internet. Don’t fall for them. Many of my students have purchased courses like those and have shown them to me. Not one was worth the money.

There are two basic ways to find a topic for an e-book. One way is if you have a topic you like or already know about. Or maybe you have an idea for a novel or a motivational book. The other way is to find a topic people are interested in. Robert Allen and Ken Blanchard to that. They watch the media, listen to friends and family members to discover what the public is interested in or afraid of, or excited about. Things like the economy, health care, government spending etc.

When you have a topic then you start the writing. First make an outline of the topic. What is the topic of the book? Then ask yourself what are the questions you would want to know; what the topic is, what the problem is, what is going on in the public. Make each subtopic a chapter. Then take each subtopic and ask yourself what are the points you want t o make about that chapter topic.

Once you have your outline completed, start your research. Do Google searches for the topics of each chapter. When you find an article or information you want to put in you book, save it to a folder. Make a folder for each chapter subject.

This is a basic over view of the e-book industry and how to get started writing one. Give it a try. It costs nothing but is a lot of fun. Who knows, you might make a fortune.

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