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Junk Mail: Make Big Money

Junk mail Direct mail is often referred to as junk mail because most of it is thrown away by the recipient. In fact, only a small amount of direct mail advertising is read by the consumer. A typical scenario is a consumer gets his mail from the mail box and starts glancing over each piece. The mailers he has no interest in (which is most of them) are immediatly thro wn into the trash. The ones of interest are kept and read. When a direct mail campaign is sent, only […]

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Develop a Business Network

Objectives: Reason businesses fail Starting while not knowing other skills Board of directors People you know Friends and family Vendor’s suppliers 1. Why most new businesses fail? a. start a business knowing a skill but not other areas of business. b. when you open a business you also need to know about marketing, sales, taxes,     book keeping, employee and quarterly taxes, sales tax, human resource issues to     prevent being sued by disgruntled employees, operations, customer service,     shipping and more. 2. How do you prevent or deal with […]

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Protected: Ent. Graduate Call 4-22-09

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ENT Division Podcast 12-17-08

This week in Entrepreneurship we discuss making your company fun and enjoyable to do business with – focusing on streamlining the buying experience, customer service, and breaking down the purchasing barriers enabling customers to get in and out quickly. We pose these 4 questions:  What is the current buying procedure that customers must go through when purchasing from me? How is this procedure perceived by the customer? How can this procedure be streamlined for the customer? How can this procedure be made more enjoyable for the customer?

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