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How to Make a Winning Commercial

March 9, 2011 TV is the most powerful medium available, with sight, sound, special effects, music, talent, cameras, light and more. When you add to that good TV production of spots, you have a winning combination. First you must define your target customer, age, sex, white collar, blue collar, green collar. What are their media habits; what TV shows they watch, what radio stations they listen to, and what publications they read. This tells us which media on which to advertise. TV can target specific demographic groups like baby boomers. […]

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Raise Money with Your Business Plan

March 2, 2011 1. What a business plan is: A business plan is a report that tells the reader what your business is about. It includes several different sections like the executive summary, operating statement, mission statement, important documents, market analysis, situational analysis, and marketing plan. 2. Why a good business plan is necessary and valuable: A good, well written business plan can be used for several important things. First, it can be used to raise money from investors or bankers, and second to help the business owner plan the […]

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How to Get Authors to Give You 50% of Their Book Profits

Learning Objectives: 1. Most authors can’t sell their books. 2. Create a marketing plan to sell to his demographic. 3. Create a website to use to market books on a targeted topic. 4. Various products that will make money for you. 5. Execute the marketing plan. 6. Different ways to sell author’s books. When it comes to making money on the Internet, there are many ways to do it. Most people think the only ways to make a fortune is to sell products on the Internet. But what should one […]

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E-books: The Fastest Growing Part of the Publishing Industry

Learning Objectives: What are E-books? Fastest growing segment/audio books Kind of e-books- novels, non fiction Why e-books Self publishing E-books are simply books that are not published through traditional methods. E-books are published and distributed through the Internet. E-books are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? It costs nothing. For decades you had to have many thousands of dollars to print and publish a book. Today with print on demand and the Internet, writers can publish their book on the Internet. Audio books are the second fastest […]

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