What is a USP?

A USP is what makes you, your business, or your products different and unique from the competition.

Why is it important?
All businesses in any categories do basically the same things. Ex. dentists, insurance etc. A few do one or two things the others do, but generally the same. Ex. Dentists: 24 hour emergency service, cosmetic, teeth whitening, crowns, etc.

Examples of USPs
1.    Tuff Shed
2.    three Day Kitchen and Bath
3.    Dominos Pizza

Five steps to create a USP
1.    Analyze the competition to see if they have a USP and if so what it is.
2.    List all the benefits of your products, business. Include all the features that business has.
3.    Compare your features to the competition and eliminate similar features they have.
4.    Determine what features are left that the competition doesn’t have.
5.    identify any problems your business industry has that can be addressed
6.    Identify the negative issues customers have on your business.
7.    brain storm possible USPs

Let’s do one together- a real case:

Chiropractor- he had been in business for 20 years. He offered adjustments, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and massage therapy. Very comprehensive. Another new young chiropractor opened a practice in Dr. Jones’ area. The new doctor provided all the same services as Doctor Jones. The new doctor did a lot of aggressive advertising with billboards, radio, and newspaper. Doctor Jones started to see a decline in his customer visits.

1.    Analyze the competition for a USP.
The new doctor did a lot of advertising that said his practice was The One Stop Chiropractic Practice. He advertised all the services he offered.

2.    List all benefits and features doctor Jones’ practice has.
Experience 20 years
Well known
Comprehensive services
Convenient location
Friendly staff
Competitive prices

3.    Compare list of benefits Doctor Jones has compared to the benefits the new doctor has.
Jones                        New Doctor
20 years experience                5 years experience
Well known                    new, not well known
Comprehensive services            has same
Convent location                has same
Friendly staff                    has same
Competitive prices                has same

The features Doctor Jones has are:
20 years experience
Somewhat well known, but changing,adv
20 years experience is not different enough to compete

4.    Identify problems the industry has
Waiting to see the doctor
Only daily hours, hard to take off work to get treatment
Waiting area is plain, uncomfortable chairs, old magazines, TV with bad picture,     children run around and bother people.

Brain storm ideas for a USP
The doctor when experience counts
You never wait more than 5 minutes to see the doctor.
Only doctor that is open evenings on Tuesday and Thursday.
A visit to doctor Jones is a luxurious experience- new decorating, new lushious     carpet, very comfortable chairs, current and well targeted magazines, fresh     espresso, soda for children, very nice decorating.

Any of the three will work very well. In summary, the unique selling proposition is the most powerful marketing tactic for small businesses. Time spent creating one will be time well spent.

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