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The Best Advertising Media for Small Business

May 19, 2010 by Bill Cherry 1. What is newspaper advertising and when to use it? 2. What is TV advertising and when to use it? 3. What is radio advertising and when to use it? 4. Yellow page advertising and when to use it? 5. Direct Mail/ Direct Marketing. 2. General Advertising: Target market: Demographics: describes the customer’s age, sex, income, education etc. Demographics help identify the kind of advertising and what medium to use. Physiographics: describes what people think, believe, opinions, morals, attitudes. Physiographics can be used to […]

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How to Create a Low Cost Website

by Bill Cherry Every business needs a website: Now days every business needs a website. That includes small one person businesses like authors, lawyers, insurance agents and freelance professionals. Customers expect every respectable business to have a website. If a business doesn’t have a website, potential customers start to wonder, “What’s wrong with this business?” Not having one makes people distrust the business. Example: I coached a student who told me she wanted to get a certain business franchise and ask me to give her my opinion of it. We […]

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How to Get Authors to Give You 50% of Their Book Profits

Learning Objectives: 1. Most authors can’t sell their books. 2. Create a marketing plan to sell to his demographic. 3. Create a website to use to market books on a targeted topic. 4. Various products that will make money for you. 5. Execute the marketing plan. 6. Different ways to sell author’s books. When it comes to making money on the Internet, there are many ways to do it. Most people think the only ways to make a fortune is to sell products on the Internet. But what should one […]

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E-books: The Fastest Growing Part of the Publishing Industry

Learning Objectives: What are E-books? Fastest growing segment/audio books Kind of e-books- novels, non fiction Why e-books Self publishing E-books are simply books that are not published through traditional methods. E-books are published and distributed through the Internet. E-books are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? It costs nothing. For decades you had to have many thousands of dollars to print and publish a book. Today with print on demand and the Internet, writers can publish their book on the Internet. Audio books are the second fastest […]

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