How to Get Authors to Give You 50% of Their Book Profits

Learning Objectives:

1. Most authors can’t sell their books.
2. Create a marketing plan to sell to his demographic.
3. Create a website to use to market books on a targeted topic.
4. Various products that will make money for you.
5. Execute the marketing plan.
6. Different ways to sell author’s books.

When it comes to making money on the Internet, there are many ways to do it. Most people think the only ways to make a fortune is to sell products on the Internet. But what should one sell? Where can one find products that will sell?

One of the more difficult tasks for our students is to find the right product to sell. A product that has great public demand and a low amount of competing sellers. But there are other things that can be sold successfully. There are three basic things that can be sold on the Internet; tangible products, information products, and services. In this paper I will focus on selling information.

There is a secret about the publishing business that few people know of. It is the fact that most authors write books and then don’t know how to sell them. Thousands of writers have garages full of boxes of the books they wrote and can’t sell. That must be very disappointing for authors. The problem is not that the books are not good. It’s because authors are artists, they are not marketers.

This fact reveals that there is an unending supply of information products that are available for one to sell unsold author’s books. Many will be happy to have someone help them market their books. Present a plan to sell his book but you want 50% of the sale amount. Some will say no, duh, and others will say yes.

Create a marketing plan to sell to his demographic.

1. find a topic there is a demand for by using the word tracker tool, .
2. go to and research the books in that category. Which ones were good sellers last year?
3. Record the names and contact information of at least 15 different authors.
4. contact each authors
5. offering to sell more of their books

You must have a simple website; either the author’s or your own, feature the book, and have down loadable ability.

How do you create a website?
Find a web host: are three good ones.

The web host is where your website is parked. When you want to use your website, you go through the web host to access the Internet.

The web host MUST have a website builder. A builder is a pre-built system that allows you to easily create a website without having to know special programs. The builder has pre-built, professionally designed templates you will use to create your website. The web builder should not cost anything more than the monthly hosting fee.

To create the main page, simply, add photos of both the author’s book, and the author. Next, add some text about the book, the author, and a few other things to spruce it up.
Add some reviews of the book, endorsements, or testimonials.

Now days websites with audio or video clip are very popular. Perhaps you could add an audio or video clip of the author talking about the book, why he wrote it, what it is about.

Add a contact us page that has the author’s phone number and e-mail address.
Also consider adding a page showing a portion of the book…maybe first chapter.

Execution of the Plan:
Create a newsletter at the website about the books topic.

On the website provide:
1. Free downloadable articles about the book’s topic.
2. You can also add products about the book’s topic like CDs, DVDs, newsletters, articles that can be sold.

Live Conference Calls or Webinars:
Use free conference calls or webinars to create leads of people who could buy the book. Send email announcements to various organizations related to the book’s topic.

Tell about the topic, and that the author will be giving a 30 minute presentation about the subject information. All of the conference calls or webinars are FREE. “Bring your friends and co-workers.”

Hold a live conf call weekly to build contacts to market to. Use either the same or different authors. Every book sold will pay you 50% of the selling price.

Other ways to promote the books is to:
Send review copies to publications and organizations
Send copies of the books to large bookstore chains
Take copies to independent distributors
Take copies to local high volume stores like Costco, and Walmart.

There are an unlimited number of good books that need marketing. If you can market them, you can make half the profit.

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