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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 3-21-16

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Joe’s mother passed away in March. As a result, the March call cancelled so he could spend needed time supporting his family.

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-15-16

Questions discussed on this call: Is visualization is more about heart energy than mental energy? Will it help to come up with a “Sign” or “Symbol” to help me “Let Go” of outcomes? How would you recommend raising the overall vibration in my work place? You often ask “Who are 3 people (beside myself) that will benefit or gain from my goal?” If it’s something I really want, can’t it just be for my benefit alone? There’s a lot of buzz going on about the lottery. Do you approve of […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 1-18-16

** The conference line dropped approximately 28 minutes into the call, so the recording ends abruptly at about that point in the recording. Questions discussed on this call: When we clear limiting beliefs, is it possible that part, or all, of the associated memory is eliminated with it? What are some of the most destructive money beliefs in your opinion? Breathing exercises are very popular, and are used for a number of various things. Is there a specific way to use money as a tool for attracting wealth? How can […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 12-21-15

Questions discussed on this call: <ol> <li>There’s a lot of buzz going around with the recent release of Star Wars “The Force Awakens”. How does the concept of The Force compare to what you teach in The Attractor Factor and other materials?</li> <li>How can we make the divine our ally as it relates to law of attraction?</li> <li>I’ve heard it said that to manifest our desires a person must “un-learn what they have learned”. Both you and Dr. Hew Len teach a very similar concept in Zero Limits, as it […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-23-15

  Questions discussed on this call: What friendships have meant the most to you and why? What qualities that you admire do your closest friends have in common? What’s a recent accomplishment that you are most proud of and why? What is one of the best compliments you’ve received this year? When was the last time you laughed so hard that your stomach hurt? When have you felt most alive? What was happening? What’s been some of the best advice you’ve ever received, and how has it helped you? Who […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-19-15

Questions discussed on this call: What was your favorite childhood pastime? What do you do for enjoyment today? When was the last time you had the giggles? What was the cause? How do you practice the art of patience, and when was the last time you had to practice it? What is the greatest principal related to the Law of Attraction, and why? If someone wanted to acquire some stones or crystals for personal enrichment, which ones do you recommend, and why? How important is it to clear the mind in addition to […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-21-15

Questions discussed on this call: What is the difference between wanting and desiring? How can one tell the difference within? We sometimes hear that we need to “let it go” so the universe can deliver our desires and intentions in divine timing and order, but we also have heard that we should hold a picture in our minds and “live it” in order to manifest. These seem like conflicting principles, so which would you suggest? When speaking of action, is it the deed that is rewarded by the universe or […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-17-15

Questions discussed on this call: Dr. Hew Len has said, ”Jesus said love your enemies…..Your enemy is the memories that are playing.” Can you elaborate or add any insights? Dr. Hew Len has talked about the state of “Zero” (where you have no data feed), and commented that It is then that you can build on inspiration. Can you give us more understanding on this? Can you give some insight into the true nature of ego? Is ego an illusion? Many of us struggle with being sabotaged by mixed messages. […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 7-20-15

Questions discussed on this call: Is there a way to raise the vibration of my future-self from my current state? Is it as simple as just Nevillizing it? I tend to approach personal development on a very intellectual level. What is the best way to move from an intellectual approach to a more spiritual approach? I would really like to feel connected to the divine. I’m a great starter, but a terrible finisher. I am inspired with great ideas, but I never follow through to the end goal. Any advice […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-15-15

Questions discussed on this call: I want to improve my intuitive abilities. What do you recommend as exercises or activities to improve my intuition? How does karma relate to the Law of Attraction? Does bad karma prevent someone form manifesting what they want? How do I clean up my Karma? If I want a specific job, and use the Law of attraction to get it, am i robbing someone else of their intended outcome? Why is it so easy to attract negative problems and so hard, even with a good […]

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