5 Steps to Starting Your Own Business in 30 Days

Many of our students join one of our several programs looking for some type of change in their lives. Among those most common changes is related to financial freedom in one form or another.

There a number of ways to find, attract, or otherwise obtain money. But one of our favorite ways is to encourage people to start their own businesses. Often time’s people have been thinking about a business idea – in many cases they’ve had this idea cooking in the back of their minds for literally dozens of years! For those, the key is to TAKE ACTION and our coaches help them outline the steps to overcome whatever blocks have prevented them from starting that business.

For others who have always wanted to start a business but don’t know where to begin we offer the following five steps to starting your own business

  1. Identify your natural passions and talents and match that with a potential market need.
  2. Specify what that product or service should be (or already is).
  3. Choose how to deliver that product or service (store front or perhaps a website).
  4. Identify your customers and create an appealing offer.
  5. Take Action!

If you have the desire to own your own business, take a few hours to sketch out some thoughts on the five areas mentioned above and set a launch date 30 days from today.

30 days you say?! Will your product be completely ready? Probably not. But don’t let that hold you back. Companies are always changing their products and adapting to market demands (just think about how many versions of the iPhone there are or will be). The point is to TAKE ACTION. Get your idea to market quickly and start getting that customer feedback as soon as you can.

Owning your own business can be very rewarding. The ability to choose for yourself how you want your product to look or how to best deliver meaningful customer service is a very liberating feeling. It’s a lot of work, but don’t get stuck in the details. Take action today. You’ll be surprised what you can achieve in 30 days.

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