Innovation Secrets

How can you get it if you don’t have it?
Harnessing the ingenuity of innovation can be a daunting task, so learning this attribute incrementally is the best course of action.  The creative genius behind innovation is somewhat of an ‘acquired taste’ and can be systematically cultivated.  If you are looking to ‘acquire the taste’ of true innovation then one of the first steps is to start small.  One may seek to acquire this most prized attribute by constantly looking at ‘life’ through the glasses of innovation.  Look for creative ways to solve even the most mundane of difficulties.   Seek contact with other who you consider to be innovative.  Immerse yourself in innovations in your industry and other related business arenas.

What can you do to develop it if you have it?
Practice makes perfect.  First, take an introspective look into your own business idea/model (product or service-based) and try to identify how you currently do or can innovate more among your competitors. Second, look around at other related business models and markets.  In every vertical or horizontal business market there are predicaments which can be solved through innovation.  Third, continue to surround yourself with innovative people.  Interact with them, learn to think like them, and emulate their analysis and thought processes. In many cases, recruiting from an outside industry is a fast-track way of getting a fresh perspective on old business paradigms.

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