Goal Setting and Goal Achievement..Where to Begin???

In a recent article by Brice Hogan, he relayed his insights into goals and goal setting. Many people realize that there is a significant gap between goals that are set and goals that are actually achieved. Why is there such a stark disparity between setting and doing? Here is a clip of that article. 

“Everyone has New Years resolutions.  Every year we make them, every year we break them 1 week in, 2 weeks in, a month.  It doesn’t really matter our goals get broken.  Yeah but, I got busy at work.  So, that’s an excuse people who fail always use.  That sounds hard but it’s true.  I want people to understand the mix of things that will allow you to reach goals and make them habits.  Now goals can be whatever you would like it to be, financial, personal etc.  These are basic principles that allow a person to attain the goals they want to achieve.

1.      Mindset

There is a concept out their called the law of attraction.  It basically states that what ever energy that you put off is the type of energy you will attract.  Case in point:  If a person constantly thinks about the negative situation he or she is in, generally what happens is that person will attract similar people and habits and that just leads to the situation getting worse. Look at people who are successful do they tend to be negative on a whole.  Very rarely.  The reason this is true is they focus their energies on positive things that will gain them what they desire.  So cultivate a positive mental attitude by associating yourself with things that are positive and then cultivate a desire to reach for your goal.  This desire has to be so strong that it can overcome any of the largest obstacles you encounter on your road to accomplishing your goal.

2.      A Plan

Do you know anybody that has gone on a road trip with out a map and gotten to their destination on time and in precisely the right place?  Has any pirate every discovered treasure with out a map?  Has any successful millionaire ever built an empire with out knowing what he was going to do to get there?  The answer to all three of these things is NO!  You have to have a plan, write it out. Read it daily.  Fix it in your mind so that when you start down the road to accomplishing what it is you want to do you have your own text book on how to accomplish it

3.      Realistic

Make the goal you want to achieve realistic.  I want a million dollars in 2 days is not realistic.  Make sure it is measurable and it is achievable in a time frame that is manageable.

4.      Visualization

This a particular step that should happen on a daily basis.  It is based on the idea that your brain, especially the unconscious part responds to what you feed it. If you continue to imagine the goal that you want to obtain and you verbalize that goal every day.  Something will happen to your mindset, you are now conditioning yourself and your mind to react to the words that you are feeding yourself.  Over a period of time unconsciously you will start respond physically to that stimulus.  The key is to every day for at  least 5 to 10 minutes visualize your goal and read the plan that you want to use to obtain it.  As long as you do this daily it will bring you to the goal you wish to obtain

5.      Action

Nothing ever happens without action.  Like a ship without a captain drifts aimlessly on an ocean in turmoil so will your goals if you don’t take control and steer them.  It is a simple law of life nothing will get done unless you take action.”

 The thing that I find most interesting about this article is both the ease of the solution and the practicality of it. We can learn quite a bit from all of these steps. Again, perception is reality. We need to re-think the mindset and then achieve!

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