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Create Joint Venture Promotions for No Cost Marketing

by Bill Cherry Learning Objectives: 1. Using joint ventures for no cost marketing 2. Using a dead list for free marketing 3. Trade for advertising 4. Increase sales skills 5. Use the unique selling position (USP) as the most powerful marketing tool 6. Simple website & free programs: NVU website design, jumla. 7. Testimonials, referrals, the passive marketing tools 8. Team up with other sellers to reach your target customer 1. Joint ventures: Using other businesses to increase sales: Joint ventures – One way to increase sales is to […]

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Killer Tactics to Use on Your Competition

Learning Objectives: 1. Find their weaknesses 2. Shop the competition 3. Offer what the competition can’t 4. What do people hate in the industry? 5. Increase the value proposition 6. Service, add-ons, front end load 7. Increase perceived value 8. Create your USP Shop the competition: where are they strong, where are they weak? What do you know about your competition? What do they sell, what do they do? What are the strong points? Why do people buy from them? How are their prices? What are their policies, procedures, guarantees, […]

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One to Many Marketing

Learning Objective 1. What one to many marketing is 2. Why use one to many marketing? 3. Different ways to use one to many marketing 4. How to get book authors to give presentations on your website free. What one to many marketing is. One to many marketing could be mediums such as radio, TV, and newspapers, but that is not the kind of marketing I am going to talk about. One to many is just what it sounds, one source delivering a marketing message to many receivers such as […]

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E-books: The Fastest Growing Part of the Publishing Industry

Learning Objectives: What are E-books? Fastest growing segment/audio books Kind of e-books- novels, non fiction Why e-books Self publishing E-books are simply books that are not published through traditional methods. E-books are published and distributed through the Internet. E-books are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. Why? It costs nothing. For decades you had to have many thousands of dollars to print and publish a book. Today with print on demand and the Internet, writers can publish their book on the Internet. Audio books are the second fastest […]

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