One to Many Marketing

Learning Objective
1. What one to many marketing is
2. Why use one to many marketing?
3. Different ways to use one to many marketing
4. How to get book authors to give presentations on your website free.

What one to many marketing is.
One to many marketing could be mediums such as radio, TV, and newspapers, but that is not the kind of marketing I am going to talk about.

One to many is just what it sounds, one source delivering a marketing message to many receivers such as individuals, groups, organizations. I will talk about various methods in a minute.

To business owners of brick and mortar and e-commerce businesses, the one to many concept is a unique tactic that is rarely used.

Why use one to many marketing?
It is a unique and creative way to increase leads, sales, databases, and more. To start with you need a website. It doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated. In fact I will give you some websites where you can create simple websites easily.

Some ways to use one to many is to use conference calls, or webinars. Using conference calls or webinars you can sell products, develop leads, teach courses, build traffic to your website, and put on paid events where people pay to access you conference call to learn about information of interest to them.

To show clearly how one to many can work I will use the example of a person selling a software “How to Learn Spanish in 48 Hours.” on his/her website. You will first need to create a contact list.
Who is the target customer?
Male, female, demographic, lifestyle, social and business levels, ethnic, etc

Set a date: no conflicts
Create contact list: People who are interested in learning languages.
Prepare your presentation: 30 minute,
Arrange guest speaker: 30 minutes, Q and A
Prep an email doc of interest to the audience: sample free down load chapter one
Determine how purchases will be made. From website, call in orders, speakers website, Amazon, etc.
Pay pal or merchant account

What medium will you use?
Webinar: less people will use computer to watch, video, visuals, more interesting
Conference call: more available people, easier for people to attend, voice interaction.
Cost is low: $50-$100 per event. The larger the group, the more it costs.

Determine strategy:
Free event to create traffic to the website
Free event to develop a database of potential customers
Free event to sell products:
Free event to teach courses
Free event to develop leads for marketing

Paid events can be held separately

Getting an author to present free:
Most authors’ books don’t sell. Find one expert in the topic, Spanish, and
Offer to give him 30 minutes to give presentation and promote his book.

Products to sell:
Printed books
Subscription newsletters
Memberships to exclusive groups

Create website:
Easy and cheap web hosts with builders
Network solutions,
Go daddy.

Website: simple, pix, bio, cover of book, info about the product,

Power of conference calls:
100 attend 15 buy, 854 interested but don’t buy. 50 sign up for the free download.
50 x 30 days = 1500 per month + 12 months= 18,000 leads to market to in a year.

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