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Protected: Ent Graduate Call 1-7-09

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ENT Division Podcast 12-17-08

This week in Entrepreneurship we discuss making your company fun and enjoyable to do business with – focusing on streamlining the buying experience, customer service, and breaking down the purchasing barriers enabling customers to get in and out quickly. We pose these 4 questions:  What is the current buying procedure that customers must go through when purchasing from me? How is this procedure perceived by the customer? How can this procedure be streamlined for the customer? How can this procedure be made more enjoyable for the customer?

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Hidden Assets

Points: 1. Excess inventory 2. Customer list 3. Dead list 4. Excess time Excess inventory- during my 20 years of working with all kinds of small businesses I found that most have inventory they either have forgotten about because it is either out of date or out of style, or an ordering mistake. If that inventory has been laying around in a corner for years covered up by other junk, take a look at it, it is an asset that is worth something. Example: years ago when I was working in the radio business […]

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Risk Analysis in 1-Minute

One minute decision Imagine a situation where the entrepreneur sees an emerging new technology on “networkingâ€?. This idea is just out in the market – and not many have embraced or even tried it. His inner hunch says that this technology could rule the world in a few years, and his mind formulates numerous ways of utilizing that technology. But, there is no proven record for it. In this situation, a non-risk taker, or one who follows the crowd would wait for someone to take the risk, hold off and […]

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