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True Entrepreneurial Optimism

What is it? An optimistic entrepreneur looks upon the world as a positive place. Optimism is undoubtedly an entrepreneur’s most valuable asset. It is the will to learn from the past, overcome the present, and make a future. It encourages entrepreneurs to believe in what others never thought was possible, trudge on when it is easier to quit, and strive to improve what is already good. He always has a “positive” outlook on life, believing that things will work out in the end. Optimism makes entrepreneurs believe that he/she can […]

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Innovation Secrets

How can you get it if you don’t have it? Harnessing the ingenuity of innovation can be a daunting task, so learning this attribute incrementally is the best course of action.  The creative genius behind innovation is somewhat of an ‘acquired taste’ and can be systematically cultivated.  If you are looking to ‘acquire the taste’ of true innovation then one of the first steps is to start small.  One may seek to acquire this most prized attribute by constantly looking at ‘life’ through the glasses of innovation.  Look for creative […]

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Goal Setting and Goal Achievement..Where to Begin???

In a recent article by Brice Hogan, he relayed his insights into goals and goal setting. Many people realize that there is a significant gap between goals that are set and goals that are actually achieved. Why is there such a stark disparity between setting and doing? Here is a clip of that article.  “Everyone has New Years resolutions.  Every year we make them, every year we break them 1 week in, 2 weeks in, a month.  It doesn’t really matter our goals get broken.  Yeah but, I got busy at work.  So, that’s […]

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Finding a USP

It goes without saying that your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is one of the most important aspects of your business.  The USP is really the overall guiding light to your business, as well as serving as a compass to decisions like branding, marketing, positioning, promoting, and distinguishing your business from the competition. The difficult part is that many business owners have a rather tough time nailing down what their potential USP should be. In many cases a USP is a statement which clearly articulates what you are about and why people should […]

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