Finding a USP

It goes without saying that your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is one of the most important aspects of your business.  The USP is really the overall guiding light to your business, as well as serving as a compass to decisions like branding, marketing, positioning, promoting, and distinguishing your business from the competition. The difficult part is that many business owners have a rather tough time nailing down what their potential USP should be.

In many cases a USP is a statement which clearly articulates what you are about and why people should choose you over the competition. Frequently confuses with a slogan, a USP is typically short and catchy, but also clarifies a unique SELLING PROPOSITION about your business or yourself.

 Some experts argue that a USP is best defined by:

  1. identifying the target market
  2. articulating a specific result
  3. number hook

Creating a USP with these 3 things often helps because it helps to attract the “right” market, and focuses your efforts to spend time with the people you really want to work with. Next, it allows you to clarify a specific result you can achieve for that market. The use of a number hook is great because it helps to bring hard numbers to the table.  All in all, a USP is fantastic to carve out a place in the market where you can hang your proverbial hat.

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