Group Coaching Notes – Ways to Reduce Spending

Into saving money!!! Almost 50 percent is saved.
Tracking your expenses

This is the first key to financial independence. There is no way to fix the leaks in your financial boat if you cannot see where they are at.
Cut up the credit cards and make sure that you are on a cash basis only, so by doing that you will save 12-18 percent a month. That’s 12 to 18 percent even if you are paying them off each month.
Calling on Credit Cards
1. Call the 800 number on the back of the card.
2. Ask to speak to a supervisor
3. Tell the supervisor that you want an increase of limits and a decrease in interest rate.
4. After they give you the quote ask them “is that the best you can do�
5. Repeat this process until desired results are achieved.

Get on an equal payment plan if utility bill is volatile.

Look for ways to reduce your entertainment bill. Try doing things that are not so expensive. According to the average person spends 1800 dollars a year on entertainment. Red box finding a cheap

SELL SELL SELL. Sell things around the house like boats and four wheelers etc. This could save you thousands. Have a yard sale! Get rid of all the junk that you are not using.

Limit Media Cell phone VS. Land line
Why do you have a land line if you all have cell phones? Does you 11 year old kid REALLY need a cell phone? Shop around for your cell phone plan. Cell phones can be costly.

Insurance Increase the Deductibles

Raise the deductibles as high as you are comfortable with. Raising the deductibles on the homeowners insurance and the cars could save you thousands a year. Remember insurance companies make money when you do not make claims. In other words you are betting that nothing will happen to you and we are betting that something will.
400 dollars to 200 dollars
Take your lunch to work with you
Eating out everyday for lunch can be extremely costly. If you spent just 10 dollars a day, that would cost you 200 dollars a month. If you invested 200 dollars a month at a 12 percent interest you would have
Turn it off and unplug it
Toasters and other household items could be draining power
Turn the AC down and the heat down
Replace old light bulbs with new ones. Replace old inefficient light bulbs with more. Watch for these items to go on sale. You can also look on craigslist for these items
Buying used cloths and selling old cloths to consignment stores.
Gas Plan out trips to minimize travel. Find the chepest places to buy gas in your area at
Coupons The coupon
Get rid of those bad habits
Reduce Medical bills by having a balanced diet and routinely exercising.
Min Smoking
Auto Not buying New
Selling Toys Car Boat
Doing it Yourself
Reducing the Pet expense
Bank Charges pulling money out of an ATM machine
PMI insurance. Doing without if you own more that 80 percent of the property

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