Why Do We Talk So Much About Goals?

Last week we spoke about Goal Setting and this week we are going to be talking about it again!  Yes, goal setting is that important.  Without goal setting we are like the proverbial ship without a rudder.  Goals give us purpose and direction.   In 2014 it is more important than ever that you have specific, measurable and achievable goals.  Success builds upon past success.   It is vital that you set smaller goals that you can accomplish right away in the program.  The reason for this is that if it takes you too long to accomplish a goal many times you will feel like you are not making progress.  Just like in a marathon there are mile markers so that you can track your progress, we also want you to have mile markers along your path to achieving your financial goals.

When you achieve the smaller goals, celebrate your success.  This is because we want your mind to be conditioned to associating pleasure with paying off your debts.  Also, there is nothing more demotivating than not accomplishing a goal.  Make sure that your goals are easy in the beginning and you can little by little raise the bar.  Just don’t raise it too much all at once.  Success is like a sunrise: the light from the sun gradually grows to fill the whole earth.   It is important to take a moment and reflect on your past victories.  Go ahead and think back to how far your have come in 2013!  Now imagine, 2014 is going to be even better!

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