If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear

There are many reasons for stockpiling a supply of food. In the event of any crisis, a “home grocery store� comes in handy. The crisis may be a very large calamity such as a major earthquake, flood, or sudden downturn in the economy, or a more personal emergency such as illness, being laid off at work, or helping family and friends.
The recommendation is to “store what you eat and eat what your store.� In an emergency if you suddenly turn to an unfamiliar diet, you or your family members could become ill. Build up your grocery stockpile slowly but steadily, taking advantage of case lot sales. Encourage family members to become familiar with food storage foods by using some of the items in storage in your regular family meals.
Begin by introducing food storage or basic items into your menu. Basics of food storage include wheat berries, beans, rice, powdered milk and, of course water. Start with a prepared pantry with enough supplies for one week, then two weeks. Build your food supply to a month, then increase your storage until you have enough food in storage for a year. Recipes included will start with the basics.

Steamed Wheat
1 C washed whole kernel wheat
½ C water
1 t salt (optional)

Place wheat, water and salt in an uncovered casserole dish or metal bowl. Place into a larger pan for steaming. Put something under the bowl (such as a metal cooling rack or canning jar ring) to keep it from touching the larger pan. Add water to the larger pan, bring to a rolling bowl for 15 minutes, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.
You may also use a crock pot and cook overnight.

Serving suggestions:
Serve as cereal, with milk, sweetener, and fruit
Serve with butter and salt.
Serve with vegetables as a side dish
Use in place of rice or beans
Grind with cheese and butter and bake

Heavenly Fruit Salad

3 C shredded raw carrots
2 C steamed wheat, cooled
10 slices pineapple, diced
1 red apple diced and lemoned
2 bananas sliced and lemoned
½ C raisins
½ C walnuts
4 oz mini marshmallows
½ C coconut

Toss lightly

1-9oz carton non dairy whipped topping
6 oz sour cream
2 t vanilla

Pour over fruit

Stir well, garnish with red cherry halves.
Chill until ready to serve.

Carrot/Pineapple Salad

2 ½ C grated carrots
8 oz crushed pineapple
2 C steamed wheat
raisins to taste
½ C salad dressing

Toss all ingredients, chill until ready to serve.

Wheat chili
(serves 8)

1 cup whole wheat
1 lb. ground beef
1 small onion, diced
1/4 large green pepper, diced
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. oregano or cumin
1 pint tomatoes
1 cup tomato sauce
1/2 small can chopped olives (optional)

Soak wheat overnight in cold water. Simmer for an hour or so.
Drain all but about 1/4 cup water. Brown meat, onion, and
green pepper together. Drain off any grease. Add meat and
all remaining ingredients to the wheat. Mix well. Simmer for
30 minutes or more. Top with grated cheese, if desired, and
serve immediately.

Note: This is a very mild chili. Add cayenne pepper and more
chili powder for a spicier version

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