Why do Your New Year’s Resolutions Always Fail?

Why is it that so many people set great goals and then they fail to follow through with them? What makes someone do something or not do something?  Why do you not take action on your goals?  What is the one secret to goal setting that will allow you to set and reach your goals every time?

There can be a lot of reasons, but at the core you will find that the main reason you did not take action on your goals is emotion.  Emotion drives human behavior.  Typically you do or do not do things based on how you feel. When you feel like doing something you usually will find a way to do it. Then will emotional strength help you accomplish your goals? The more emotional strength you have, or the more ability to control your own emotions, the more power you will have over their conscious and sub-conscious behaviors.

How do you gain this emotional control? There is a new science called Nero-Plasticity. For many years scientist thought the brain was static and unchanging. They have now found that you can literally change the way that your brain is wired. Through doing various clearing exercises you can turn off the negative, disempowering emotions and ultimately have more control over your environmental behaviors!

Visualize your goal and believe it so strongly that you feel it.  For example, if you want to lose weight, you must visualize yourself as a healthy, fit person! The way that you see yourself, or your self-image, is a secret key to making this work!  If you can see it and believe it, you will feel it, and the feeling will then drive you to take action.

Make this an amazing 2014!

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