Internet Research: A Must for Success

The Internet is full of all kinds of research companies. Below are just several I have seen and even collected free data from. In most cases, the data, and research these companies do is done for profit and they sell the specific studies. In the case of you must sign up for their annual service in order to get their information. After you join, you get access to a lot of studies, reports, and surveys, but there are still many different survey results that must be purchased. Some other sources of research:

  • Harris InteractiveInternet research pix.jpg
  • Web trends

I like and most because they do have free data that is very useful and interesting. Jupiter Research provides unbiased research, analysis and advice, backed by proprietary data, to help companies profit from the impact of the Internet and emerging consumer technologies on their business. Jupiter Research is a division of JupiterKagan, Inc.

JupitarReasearch: has many different categories of interest to Internet marketers. Below are a few:

  • Marketing /Advertising
  • Web Technologies & Operations
  • European Focus
  • Media Focus
  • Industry Focus
  • Global Mulitchannel Markets
  • Jupiter Data
  • Custom Research & Consulting
  • Site Analysis

Below is an example of the kinds of research sells:

Music Overview assists record labels, retailers, music, media and youth marketers in planning digital music strategies. Downloads, subscription services and ring tones have thus far provided incremental revenue streams for the industry, but when will substitution begin? With extensive online consumer and teen surveys and detailed customer segmentation analysis, Music also helps marketing executives target customers online and use the Internet as an efficient platform for marketing CDs. It balances coverage across digital distribution, cannibalization/piracy, Internet promotion, audience cultivation and brand marketing.

Most of the research is priced fairly high at $700 per report.

Here is an overview of one of the research categories provided by The Single Site Analysis service is for businesses that want an overall critique of their web site’s design and functionality. The Single Site Analysis assesses a client’s web site along a five key criteria. These criteria are standard for all Single Site Analysis projects. The results provide actionable recommendations that can rapidly improve the user experience and effectiveness of the site for its target audience. Comparative Site Analysis evaluates a client’s web site and makes direct comparison to other competitive sites or industry best practices. Jupiter collaborates with the client to identify all sites for analysis as well as generate a customized set of criteria upon which each site will be evaluated. The results of this study provide actionable recommendations for improving the usability and design of the client’s web site. In addition, the client is offered an objective review of its site relative to competitors or industry best practices, thereby offering Jupiter’s perspective on the client’s position in a specific market.

For Internet marketers, research is essential. E-commerce moves so fast, and changes in a blink of an eye. A good marketing professional will always be current on research and will have an eye for future trends.

By Bill Cherry

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