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Franchising: Is it the Right Choice for You?

By Bill Cherry Every year thousands of prospective business owners want to buy a franchise business. Some franchises are very good, and others are scams. Below is some helpful information everyone considering investing in a franchise should know. What is franchising? A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name or advertising symbol, and an individual or group seeking the right to use that identification in a business. Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services that are supplied by the franchiser […]

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Webinars – A New Opportunity

Many business are beginning to use online seminars, also known as webinars, for both sales and training. Like so many technological advances which have increased effectiveness and productivity, webinars are fast becoming the preferred delivery method for business and consumers all over the world.  There are many advantages that a webinar can offer: Convenience – Many webinar platforms do not require a video confirmation, like video-conferencing. You can show up in your pajamas at home if you wish. This convenience appeals to many would-be participants. Reaching a Large group of […]

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Employee Incentives

Alot of companies sink thousdands of dollars and hundreds of hours into creative and compelling employee incentive programs designed to improve morale. The problem with alot of these campaigns is the ROI is a little difficult to track. Some may argue that the intangibles of boosting morale in the workplace may be difficult to track, but worth it.  Again circling back to the ROI argument….how do you prove something is worth it if there is no trackable or measurable ROI? We would like to hear some of your ideas for […]

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You Tube…It’s Here to Stay

YouTube said it will launch a mobile Web site to allow its mobile partners to integrate YouTube videos into their offerings. A YouTube spokeswoman yesterday called the move “another step forward in achieving our mobile strategy of delivering entertaining videos to users whenever they want and wherever they go. People want to be entertained in a way that fits their individual lifestyles, so offering videos to mobile users is a natural evolution for YouTube,” the spokeswoman said. She made the comments in an e-mail to Computerworld and did not specify […]

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