You Tube…It’s Here to Stay

YouTube said it will launch a mobile Web site to allow its mobile partners to integrate YouTube videos into their offerings.
A YouTube spokeswoman yesterday called the move “another step forward in achieving our mobile strategy of delivering entertaining videos to users whenever they want and wherever they go. People want to be entertained in a way that fits their individual lifestyles, so offering videos to mobile users is a natural evolution for YouTube,” the spokeswoman said.

She made the comments in an e-mail to Computerworld and did not specify when the mobile Web site will be launched or many other details. Several blogs have said the Web site will appear in June, when a Verizon Wireless V Cast exclusive contract expires.

However, the spokeswoman did not comment on discontinuing a contract with Verizon. “Our partnerships with Verizon Wireless in the U.S., and Vodafone and Nokia overseas, are the first of many and demonstrate our continued success in developing strong relationships with leading companies,” she wrote in the e-mail.
She could not be reached for further details and declined to comment on speculation that YouTube might be developing a mobile client, which some have called “Switch.”

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