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Risk Analysis in 1-Minute

One minute decision Imagine a situation where the entrepreneur sees an emerging new technology on “networkingâ€?. This idea is just out in the market – and not many have embraced or even tried it. His inner hunch says that this technology could rule the world in a few years, and his mind formulates numerous ways of utilizing that technology. But, there is no proven record for it. In this situation, a non-risk taker, or one who follows the crowd would wait for someone to take the risk, hold off and […]

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Risk-Taking for the New Year!

A risk taker is one who opens himself to change. It is the accepting of the need for change and it is taking the behavioral steps that will result in that change.  An entrepreneur identifies the hidden potential in any small idea / thought and thinks of ways to make it big. His business model will be unique, which will give more challenging situations. If the entrepreneur is a risk taker, he will be able to foresee the future, and visualize the fruits of hard work behind the risk. Risk […]

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New Year’s Business Resolutions

Every year millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions fully intending on maintaining, measuring, evaluating, and keeping them. Likewise, millions of those same people never end up seeing those resolutions through to the end. One of the inherent problems in setting goals is that the idea of a goal for many people is often scary, nebulous, and intangible. A goal is too often something that is just as easy to break as it is to make. Here is a list of 7 things to make your New Year’s Resolutions a […]

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True Entrepreneurial Optimism

What is it? An optimistic entrepreneur looks upon the world as a positive place. Optimism is undoubtedly an entrepreneur’s most valuable asset. It is the will to learn from the past, overcome the present, and make a future. It encourages entrepreneurs to believe in what others never thought was possible, trudge on when it is easier to quit, and strive to improve what is already good. He always has a “positive” outlook on life, believing that things will work out in the end. Optimism makes entrepreneurs believe that he/she can […]

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