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Develop a Business Network

Objectives: Reason businesses fail Starting while not knowing other skills Board of directors People you know Friends and family Vendor’s suppliers 1. Why most new businesses fail? a. start a business knowing a skill but not other areas of business. b. when you open a business you also need to know about marketing, sales, taxes,     book keeping, employee and quarterly taxes, sales tax, human resource issues to     prevent being sued by disgruntled employees, operations, customer service,     shipping and more. 2. How do you prevent or deal with […]

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Online Business Resources

Here are some great resources you can use. Most are free to down load and use. a. NVU is a good web builder – open source b. – a website builder c. WordPress – free blogs d. – find color tool to match colors e. – has some free logo makers etc. f. – predesigned professional looking templates to use to create a website. g. – find out how many people are searching for different words or phrases. h. – inexpensive logo design. i. […]

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Protected: Ent. Graduate Call 4-29-09

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Protected: Ent. Graduate Call 4-22-09

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