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SEO Constantly Changing

by Bill Cherry One of the on going changes in SEO is personalization. Recently Google implemented a wide spread integration of personalization in its search engine results. In the past, Google provided two search engine personalization techniques; customization of the individual’s Google home page for quick and easy access to the user’s customized information, and automatic personalization from an individual’s search history. Today there are new personalization features being used by Google. Just recently Google has combined both options for a user’s home page. Users who sign up for any […]

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Move Over Baby Boomers

Gen X and Gen Y consumers are changing e-marketing. I have noticed the changing requirements of customers wanting transparency, control, and more ways to give feedback. I was surprised to learn that there were many more Gen X and Gen Y’s than baby boomers. Several articles I have read in Internet Marketing publications talk about similar trends. Recent research shows that Internet consumers are now placing more emphasis on online postings, articles, and reviews in order to make their buying decisions. Of course that means e-marketers had better add interactive […]

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Answering the Call: Off Shore Call Centers

I recently read an article that gave me insight into the very broad, rapidly changing, call center industry. One of the first exposures I had to automated customer service was with my mortgage company. After several attempts to talk to a person and getting caught in the hold loop, I decided to refinance with another mortgage company. I sent a letter to the bank president telling him why I would not do business any longer. I never heard back from him. Another experience I had was with Earthlink. I had been […]

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Internet Research: A Must for Success

The Internet is full of all kinds of research companies. Below are just several I have seen and even collected free data from. In most cases, the data, and research these companies do is done for profit and they sell the specific studies. In the case of you must sign up for their annual service in order to get their information. After you join, you get access to a lot of studies, reports, and surveys, but there are still many different survey results that must be purchased. Some other […]

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