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ENT Division Podcast 1-5-09

Happy New Year and welcome into 2009! This proves to be another year of promise and opportunity. Many economists cite that more jobs and businesses are created during severe times of economic hardship. One of the hypotheses to this occurrence is the need to create a job in times of high unemployment. Entrepreneurs are sometimes forced into experiencing their long-time stifled creativity and business saavy. This week we look at news, elective classes, tips, and training around setting SMART goals for 2009.

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Creating an Advertising Campaign Pt.2

Strategy creation What strategy is: the thinking, problem solving, planning how to achieve objective Identify target audience Examples of strategy 1. use only radio advertising with different music formats to reach target audience 2. Have monster trucks on site, for young male adults, allowing customers to ride in them 3. Have bikini or wet t-shirt contest and drawing for a free iphone. Create tactics What tactics are: the doing of the strategy. How you will accomplish the strategic objective Examples of tactics: Advertising on all radio stations the target customers […]

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Creating an Advertising Campaign

Determine the objective Increase sales Improve image, ex. Envirotherm Increase public awareness, This People Magazine Case: Cherry Mazda Campaign Objective: Increase sales 15% and $250,000, 25 new cars Create the strategy-the planning to obtain the objective Determine the tactics-the doing part to achieve the objective

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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs Pt. 4

Professional duplicators will need a master CD or DVD.Thy will transfer data to a second master, then they will make a glass mother master – stamped, create a sample proof. Be careful when you sign off on the proof. Next the CDs, DVDs are manufactured by stamping each one like the old 33 rpm records. Burn disks locally, self or small duplicator- higher unit costs but less cash outlay. Produces very high quality duplication and printing. Printing on the disk or label. Both can print high quality images. Don’t use […]

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