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The Best Advertising Media for Small Business

1. What we will learn: 1.    What is newspaper advertising and when to use it? 2.    What is TV advertising and when to use it. 3.    What is radio advertising and when to use it? 4.    Yellow page advertising and when to use it. 5.    Direct Mail/ Direct Marketing 2. General Advertising: Target market: Demographics: describes the customer’s age, sex, income, education etc. Demographics help identify the kind of advertising and what medium to use. Physiographic: describes what people think, believe, opinions, morals, attitudes.  Physiographic can be used to create […]

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Creating an Advertising Campaign Pt.3

Message creation What is the message? What do you want it to do, How do you want audience to respond. Copy platform- bullet points of feature points you want the customer to hear. Main idea of the ad or spot (context of message delivery) humor, voice over, situation AIDA formula: parts of the advertising ad, print or broadcast-A.I.D.A. Attention getting devices Choice of media, match to audience, media buying Print and Broadcast-include points from the copy platform, the main idea Budget allocation: Spend enough, example-antibiotic, must have enough spots to […]

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Creating an Advertising Campaign Pt.2

Strategy creation What strategy is: the thinking, problem solving, planning how to achieve objective Identify target audience Examples of strategy 1. use only radio advertising with different music formats to reach target audience 2. Have monster trucks on site, for young male adults, allowing customers to ride in them 3. Have bikini or wet t-shirt contest and drawing for a free iphone. Create tactics What tactics are: the doing of the strategy. How you will accomplish the strategic objective Examples of tactics: Advertising on all radio stations the target customers […]

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Creating an Advertising Campaign

Determine the objective Increase sales Improve image, ex. Envirotherm Increase public awareness, This People Magazine Case: Cherry Mazda Campaign Objective: Increase sales 15% and $250,000, 25 new cars Create the strategy-the planning to obtain the objective Determine the tactics-the doing part to achieve the objective

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