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“Create a USP: The most powerful Marketing Tactic.”

What is a Unique Selling Position? The Over communicated society We filter out the messages Every business category does pretty much the same things How to make the same businesses different The obvious USPs. What are the difference between you and competition? Express your message in different ways What a Unique Selling Position is: A USP is a way to make a product or a business different from their competition. It will make the public remember you, allow you to dominate market share, and give consumers a clear choice between […]

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Protected: 1.5.2011 Transform Your Dreams into a New Product

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Transform Your Dreams into a New Product

Everyone at one time or another has had a good idea or an idea that’s not so good. You have had that flash of brilliance when the light bulb in your head went on and you know this is the big one. Of course after a day or so the idea fades and soon forgotten. What is a good idea? Sometimes we think we know but usually we don’t. A good idea will either satisfy a need, create a new product, or a new technology. Does your new idea do […]

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Junk Mail: Make Big Money

Junk mail Direct mail is often referred to as junk mail because most of it is thrown away by the recipient. In fact, only a small amount of direct mail advertising is read by the consumer. A typical scenario is a consumer gets his mail from the mail box and starts glancing over each piece. The mailers he has no interest in (which is most of them) are immediatly thro wn into the trash. The ones of interest are kept and read. When a direct mail campaign is sent, only […]

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