Making Money Online By Adam Mortimer

One of the most popular ways to make money from home is setting up an online business. The problem that many people run into is getting started. The first step to setting up a successful online business is to get you feet wet. Some great websites that can help you do just that are eBay and craigslist. EBay is the largest online auction website in the world and craigslist is a free online classified ad website. You will want to familiarize yourself with these two websites. It might be a good idea to purchase something from these sites so you can see what your customer is going to see before you try to sell something. After you have sold the items that you have you can continue to work through eBay or you can go into building your own website. A great place to go to get a website set up is This website has all the tools you need such as auto responders and merchant accounts.

We also need to decide what goods or services you are going to provide. This is another area where I see a lot of people getting stuck. Remember that is extremely important to do what you are passionate about. How can you know what your passions are? Ask yourself the question, would I do this even if I was not getting paid. If the answer is yes, then chances are you have a passion. If the answer is no, you might want to keep looking. I see way too many people chasing the dollars, and this is the wrong way to go about this. If you do what you love the money will follow.

In setting up an internet business it is important to remember that the heart of your business is the advertising. Think about it. With a retail business it is all about location, location, location, so the key to your success online is marketing, marketing, and marketing. A huge percentage of those online buyers will find your website through search engines like Your key will be to keep up on the ever changing search engine optimization tools so you can keep your site on the top of the list when people type in keywords. For more information on how to make money online listen to my conference call under the e-library on the success center website.

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