Removing Bankruptcy Off Your Credit File

By Michael Sites
So many of us want to have an improved credit file and FICO score, however, often times the only thing holding us back is a previous bankruptcy or foreclosure. We exclaim, “Isn’t there anything that can be done!� I believe there can be. Among so many other techniques to improve your credit, you can actually have items like bankruptcy and foreclosure removed from your credit file.

Some will say, “Is a bankruptcy supposed to stay on your credit for 7-10 years?� The answer is no. The maximum time a bankruptcy should be there, depending on if it was a chapter 7 or chapter 13, is 7-10 years. The minimum time is what ever we make it. Typically 1-2 years if we work the strategy correctly.

At any rate you are probably wonder now, “O.K. what is this technique?� Well, check out the link below and it will walk you through a very simple process. The article in the link was written by Marc Chase an authority on credit repair. He has provided his expertise for The Department of Defense, Washington Mutual, and Country Wide bank. His article is just for removing bankruptcy. You can find more information in his arsenal of articles on removing foreclosures, improving FICO, and many other credit improving techniques.

This is a controversial strategy and some have said that it is impossible to remove a bankruptcy, I beg to differ. However, I will let you decide. Good luck and best of success to you and to your effort in improving your financial well being.

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