Fight Rising Food Costs

by Brice Hogan

Many consumers are hurting under the current financial situation. With rising gas prices and food prices it is starting to really eat into peoples budgets. I was watching a news report the other day that reported it has gotten so bad in the upper Midwest that they are turning off power to family’s homes because they can’t afford the payment. Scary as that seems this trend looks like it will continue for near future, some say longer but we’ll see what happens.

People generally have the sky is falling attitude with out really looking up. But it is certainly tight for most people these days, and you have to come up with ways to keep you from drowning under the current circumstances.

A lot of things have contributed to the rise in food prices. Droughts in many parts of the world, the use of grain for ethanol, high demand for oil. All these things contribute to higher food prices.

Ways To Keep Your Food Bill Down

Here I want to be able to give some practical advice to help keep food costs down in your home.

Buy “generic stuff� Generic stuff these days is actually very good. I like Cocoa Pebbles and the generic stuff is better and costs a dollar or more less than the brand name. Just because it is generic does not mean it tastes bad.

Shop with Coupons. For most people clipping coupons is a pain. But a friend of mine cut $60 of his grocery bill by using coupons. So it is possible to save a lot of money if you are organized and you do it. One additional tip divide coupons up by category and keep them in your car. That way if you are at the store you will have them with you instead of in your drawer at home.

Look at unit price. More bang for your buck is what you want. Look at the price per ounce that will give you an indication of true value, and save money on your grocery bill.

Buy in season. If you notice fruits and vegetables cost more lately. I buy lettuce and last year it was $1 for green leaf lettuce and now its $1.59. So buy things that are in season they will cost you less.

Bulk up. Buying in bulk especially staples can be very cost effective and can help build up your food storage.

Build up your food storage. No joke this is really important. If you stock up using the first couple of recommendations you have a small storage to use instead of going to the store. That saves money in the long run.

List it. Shop with a list. If you have a list you will generally stick to it. I find if I just go to the store and buying what I think I need I over spend.

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