Creativity By Adam Mortimer

All too often I hear people say, “I am not creative! I just can’t come up with money making ideas.” To the people that say this I feel like saying the words, “as you wish.” The saying from Henry Ford still holds true today.

“Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.”

The first step to unleashing your creative abilities is to stop telling yourself that you are not creative. Many people are negatively programming their minds with limiting beliefs. If you have told yourself this in the past then stop it. You are by your very nature a very creative person. There are million dollar ideas within you at this very moment. It is your job to stop blocking those ideas from reaching the conscious part of the mind. Creativity is a crucial tool to have. It allows you to look past what you can see and venture into the land of the unseen. Every great invention came from this place of great abundance. There are some good creativity affirmations that I would recommend repeating until you believe them.

I am creative

Money making ideas come to me easily

The more creative I am the better I feel, the better I feel the more creative I am.

Say it with emotion and absolute faith that that is just the way that it is and so be it. You will see what I am saying is true that YOU ARE CREATIVE!

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