What Have You Asked For? By Adam Mortimer

There was a King that was once asked a man, “what do you want from life?” He shrugged his shoulders and thought for a brief moment then said I want to be able to pay my bills and get by. “As you wish”, the King said, and the man lived a life of wants always just being able to pay his bills but never a penny more. The King asked a second man, “What do you want?” The man said, “I would like to have enough money to pay my bills and travel once a year!” The king smiled and said, “As you wish.” That man received just that. The King asked a third man “what do you want?” This mans answer was surprising, he told the King that he wanted abundance, and abundance is what he got!

Read this poem until you can convince you mind of this universal truth!

I I bargained with Life for a Penny, and Life would pay no more,
However, I begged at evening, when I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer, He will give you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages, why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire, only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid.

(Jesse Rittenhouse, as quoted in Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, 1960, p. 40)


May you dare to ask and be specific enough with how you ask that you receive abundance in your life!

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