Yard Sales By Adam Mortimer

With a down economy many are looking for ways to make some extra money. 300 dollars for many can mean the difference between success and failure with your finances. Yard selling is not for everybody, it can be that little extra that makes all the difference. Remember it is all about multiple sources of income! It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. For those interested in yard selling craigslist is going to be your best friend. You can find a list of all the upcoming yard sales on craigslist and you can prioritize what ones to hit first to minimize your time and travel. You are looking for things that you can buy cheap enough to resale. Liz, one of my former students went out for the first time and she bought a saddle for 50 dollars at a yard sale she spent some time cleaning it up, then she turned around and sold it for 150 dollars not a bad profit for two hours of work. If you are looking for a little extra money or maybe you just want a new hobby, yard selling could be for you.

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