Iphone Apps By Adam Mortimer

Smart phones are the way of the future. Like the internet wave that hit back in the 90’s the smart phone wave has many parallels. For those looking to make some residual income, Iphone apps can be a great way of doing that. When I started developing iphone applications it was as simple as putting a help wanted add on craigslist for iphone app programmers. Much to my surprise I received a lot of inquiries about the add. I finally picked the programmer who had the most experience at best cost. Once I received the base code, I thought to myself, what if I were to program 100’s of these programs with this same code. This could be a great way to reduce my expenses and therefore increase my profitability. I am currently working on having about 60 apps by the end of this year. Each app does not need to make a whole lot of money for me for this to be very lucrative. Even if each app only makes 10 dollars a day, when you have 60 apps making 10 dollars a day that is 600 dollars a day or 16,800 dollars a month. If this is something that you are interested in, listen to the conference call on the 9th of March 2010. It has been a huge blessing for me and it can be for you too!

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