Your 2010 Checklist By: Adam Mortimer

This weeks class we went through some of the things that all of us need to remember on a weekly basis. It can be so easy to get distracted and off track. If you attend my weekly classes, you will be reminded of the things that you need to do to be successful. We also covered a new way of thinking for 2010. I am so excited for my students and all the opportunities that are out there for each and everyone of the that are willing to dream BIG and have enough faith in that dream to work hard and make it a reality. For 2010 may we remember what we learned as children, that anything is possible! I am so excited about the things that are going on in my students’ lives. Those that live up to their commitments to truly live the program will see success in this New Year. Do I think that there will be some bumps in the road? Absolutely, but my students understand that with each bump that comes they hyper focus on the task at hand. They understand that the adversity that they go through in life only makes them stronger. If we truly believe that, then bring on the adversity bring on the challenges because we will win the fight and be victorious all because we believed therefore we achieved. Make it a habit weekly to attend the classes each week and go over your own personal checklist for success. Let’s make this New Year the best financial year of our LIVES!!!

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