Stop Being A Pack Rat By: Adam Mortimer

Over time I have noticed a correlation between those that keep stuff that they do not need and people having problems with debt. What is a pack rat you may say? Well if you answer yes to the following questions you may be a pack rat.

Do you still have three toasters you have never used, from your wedding?

Do you have more than one lawn mower?

Do you park your car outside of the garage to make room for your stuff?

Do you buy stuff and never end up using it?

Do you have HSN and QVC boxes that have never been opened?

Do you pay insurance on a vehicle that you are not using?

Why do people keep stuff even when they do not use it? Some people have emotional attachments to stuff. It is like a security blanket. How can you overcome being a pack rat?

Sell, Sell, Sell

You can sell your unused stuff and de-clutter and organize your life through selling on eBay and craigslist, or by having a yard sale. And of course you can donate it and use that on your next year’s taxes.

Set rules and guidelines to overcome being a pack rat. If you have not used it in the last 6 months, get rid of it! Remember, in the end you cannot take any of it with you, it is all just stuff. Living a clutter free life can help you jump start you debt elimination plan. Make this your own personal stimulus package by generating extra cash with unused items!

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