by Micah Richards

I was talking to a friend of mine who was struggling with her finances. She was frustrated, and did not have any self confidence in working with her finances. I gave her a few tips, and talked about her finances with her. She really did not have a lot of debt, and was good with her money. She was just not confident in her spending habits.
Today I just want to talk to everyone about having the confidence in yourself to achieve your financial goals. Why set goals you can not achieve? Or why have goals at all, if you at first feel you can not achieve them?
A couple years ago, I had a take a test. It was a very tough test. The test took seven hours, and had over 300 questions. The questions covered math equations, laws, definitions, and other financial information. Before I even started to study for the test, I told myself, there is no way I will pass the test. And as you guessed, I did not pass the test. I had no confidence, and I set a goal I knew I would not complete.
Remember to set financial goals which you believe you can achieve. You can get out of debt, and have the freedom of such debt. You just need to believe you can do it. We need to get rid of all negative thoughts, and clear our minds with positive thoughts of achieving our financial goals.
There is no trick, or great secret to self-confidence. You can not snap your fingers, and have it. You need to build it with-in yourself.

“The tragedy is that so many people look for self-confidence and self-respect everywhere except within themselves, and so they fail in their search.” Dr. Nathaniel Branden

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