EBay By Adam Mortimer

EBay is one of the quickest ways that I know of for the average person to make some extra money. You will want to start out by selling some things that you have around the house. Try to come up with at least 10 things that you could put on eBay. Commit to getting started immediately. Successful people are also consistent action takers. My students hear me say this constantly. It is important to do and not only learn. There are a lot of people that listen to my seminars and read the books that I recommend. If after learning and obtaining all of this information and you are not seeing the results that you would like to see it is most likely because of a lack of action. So get out there this week and sell some things on eBay.

Don’t make the usual excuses for not doing things like I don’t have the time. When was the last time that saying “I don’t have the time” make you money. Saying that never, and it never will make you money, the only thing that is going to help you to become more prosperous is action. There is a wealth of information on eBay that can help you get started with making money on that website. Simply go to ebay.com and in the top right corner you will see the help tab and a menu item called the learning center. This will teach you what you need to know to get started and at least sell a few items. Make sure that you listen to this week’s conference call. I cover Drop shipping, buying in bulk, shipping costs etc… Remember the assignment this week is to get at least one item posted on eBay. Make it happen, and be ready to share your experience with the class next time we meet!

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