Do You Believe? By: Adam Mortimer

What are the limiting beliefs that you have about money that has held you back from accomplishing true wealth? Do you believe that money does not grow on trees? Do you believe that money is evil? Do you believe deep down that it is better to be poor than to be wealthy? When was the last time you took a look in the mirror to question the negative biases that you hold against yourself? I would like to give you a short and sweet message today. The message is to get over the imaginary roadblocks! That’s right it is only imaginary. These roadblock are imaginary they do not exist except in your mind! Decide with me here and now that you will take an inventory of all the negative beliefs that you have. Decide that you will overcome these and not allow them to hold you back anymore. What if you did something that I am about to ask you to do and it changed your life forever! Would you do it? What if I gave you a tool that would help you to overcome your limiting beliefs? If you are still reading then chances are you are serious about overcoming these weaknesses so you can be open to abundance and wealth. Write all the limiting beliefs that you have tie this piece of paper to a balloon. Watch it float up and away and finally disappear. As you watch this balloon float away you will also make a decision that all of those limits will be a thing of the past. Overcoming these mental roadblocks is so important. As always, success starts with action. Take action on what you have learned today and make sure to apply it. You can do anything you set your mind to! Never set limits!

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