Choose Your Friends Wisely

New sociological studies are suggesting that we tend to emulate our peers when it comes to habits. I was reading an interesting article the other day that basically said “two birds and a feather flock together�. You are likely to gravitate to those with similar habits as yours.

A new study is being worked on which shows that if you affiliate with those who save and invest, you are likely to do the same. On the other hand, if you are surrounded by people who like to spend, spend, spend, well then you probably will too.
Lisa Keister, author of Getting Rich: America’s New Rich and How They Got That Way. A new book attempting to analyze the wealthy and why are they different.

She is quoted as saying: “It’s really a question of how other people’s values affect your values,” says Duke University sociologist The people around you affect how you approach education, family, consumption, when you get married and where you go to school. Those things affect wealth,” she theorizes.

The bottom line theme here is that if you are trying to follow the principles of financial independence, then you need to pick friends that have the same ambition. Peer pressure and other social influences have a powerful impact on people’s behavior whether they realize it or not.

You need to be careful around folks who’ll reinforce your bad tendencies. No one’s suggesting that you start dumping friends and family members who spend too much. But it makes sense to avoid going clothes shopping with them.

If you cannot think of anyone that has the same goals that you have, Then go find them! Advertise in a newspaper letting people know that you are interested in creating an investment or get out of debt club. The internet now works wonders in connecting with people that we would have no chance of knowing before. Start looking for blog sites that are pertaining to personal finance.

Obviously the trust factor must be their. Don’t provide your social security or brokerage account numbers. If you outline your parameters you may very well find friends for life that will support you in reaching your goals. You always have your coach to back you up!

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