Overcoming Negativity By: Adam Mortimer

If there is one thing that will bring you down faster than anything else it is negativity. The attitude you have about yourself and your money can go a long way making you either wealthy or broke. There are a few things that all of us can do to avoid negativity or pull ourselves out of a rut when we find ourselves in one.

Get away from negative people. You are greatly impacted by the people that you hang around. You may have people in your life that are bringing you down. Take an inventory of the top 10 people that you hang around. Are these people building you up and encouraging you to accomplish great things, or are they tearing you down and giving you a bunch of reason why you cannot do something? It may be hard to separate yourself from these types of people especially if they are family or close friends, but if you want to overcome the negativity bug it is crucial to do so.

Be careful of the things you are watching and reading. If your thoughts eventually come true, then it is important that we pay close attention to the information that is coming into our minds. Take an inventory of all TV programs, books, CDs that you are allowing to enter your mind. Are theses things building you up and making you a better person or are these things tearing you down. Make a commitment to only watch or read the things that will allow you to progress and grow and work on avoiding the things that will bring you down.

Make a plan on how you are going to get out of a negativity rut if you ever find yourself there. Write out a step by step plan for what you are going to do when you find yourself in this situation. Write it down and sign your name to it and find a friend or a family member to hold you accountable to you commitment to living a positive lifestyle!

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