“The key to happiness is freedom, and the key to freedom is courage.” by Kory Koontz

The world is getting happier as a result of more personal freedoms being offered and enjoyed by people across the globe who 20 years ago felt entrapped by their governments. The expansion of political and social freedom in the world today results in a greater sense of personal happiness for the masses that has been bought by the courage of individuals and nations through sacrifice, perseverance, negotiation, and in some cases bloodshed. Yet happiness is a choice no matter what our surroundings and circumstances.

The millionaire mindset is characterized by overcoming adversity and keeping optimistic in the face of hardship. Opportunities for personal growth come from overcoming obstacles strewn along our paths. It takes courage to continue working through difficulties and in seeking the way through personal struggles. Our greatest gift is our ability to choose our pathway in life and to wake up a view each day as an opportunity to make a difference-the end result being financial freedom (where work is optional and recreation is affordable) and thereby giving us the ability to take our talents, skills, and knowledge to lift others up and to help them through the obstacles that we have previously overcome.

True happiness comes from within, but can be defined in various ways. Many feel joy with money, but realize that money is only a tool that makes the bumps along the road somewhat smoother. It’s not what we have, but what we do with it that matters anyway, so it can be argued that money provides the ability to help others enjoy a smoother path as well. And isn’t this the very definition of personal and financial freedom? Many of the keys to developing this belief lie in changing our mindsets. Books are written on the topic, but it always boils down to having a core set of beliefs that are realized in the everyday actions of the believer. There are specific secrets behind wealthy, successful men and women. In essence, the millionaire mindset acknowledges the following factors:

1. It’s good to fail. Failure is a powerful motivator to keep going until you succeed.
2. Be stubborn! It’s your life and if you try to live it according to others’ wishes or always trying to impress and please people, you would probably end up nowhere.
3. There is always a way. The only way out is through whatever hardship your facing. If there’s a problem, there’s bound to be a solution.
4. Tomorrow never comes. Masterminds know tomorrow doesn’t exist. Anything that can be done, should be done right now.
5. What’s your excuse? You already have all the skills to do something great. you just need to believe in yourself and put forth some effort.
6. Smartness: Work smarter, not harder– smartness is about how to solve complex problems easily.

The courageous don’t live forever, but the timid don’t live at all.

People overcome extraordinary circumstances every day. Courage is doing the things that you know you should but are afraid to do. Courage is not only the opposite of despair, it is also acting in spite of despair. Courage is the key to freedom, whether it be personal or financial. There are six main keys and practical ways to develop courage:
1. Get to know your strengths instead of looking at weaknesses; look for he things that you are already good at and work on developing your strengths.
2. Allow yourself to think affirmatively. There’s great power in the concept of visualization.
3. Start with simple tasks and work your way to bigger and better. When it comes to your finances, it’s much easier to focus on the little aspects that you hope to change or the smaller debts that you wish to pay off.
4. Look at the possibilities instead of dwelling on the vulnerabilities. Problems are only obstacles until someone discovers how to solve them. Become a possibility thinker and be positive in your approach to anything, and you’ll find that you can accomplish anything.
5. Be persistent. “If at first, you don’t success, try, try again.” Successful people got up each time they fell and always learned from their mistakes.
6. Find a source of faith to believe in and to call upon. Isaiah 40:29 says, “He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.”

Lastly, when overcoming fear, pay attention to the acronym:
F: FOCUS on your vision & what you really want. Clarify the desired result.
E: EXPLORE–notice the warning signs & your resistance & use it as a reminder to stop.
A: ASSESS–Look at your options and create an action plan; break your action into small steps.
R: Respond positively and take action; expect the best.

We all have patterns when it comes to thinking and doing… pretty much in every area of our lives. We have been blessed with incredible freedom, which include the ability to succeed and to fail and to learn from our mistakes. You can choose to overcome any obstacle and hardship and turn negatives to positives. You can have the future you desire by visualizing it, then creating an action plan to achieve it. Don’t let your fear stop you from living the American Dream, and remember, courage is the key to freedom.



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